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Category Archives: blog

Ayuda a tus hijos a desarrollar habilidades metacognitivas

Metacognitive skills are a kind of “superpower” that allows children to understand and control their own learning process.

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En este blog conocerás tips para ayudar a tu hijo a superar el miedo

Facing fears is a crucial part of children’s growth and development. Fears are natural and can range from fear of the dark to separation anxiety.

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Importancia de enseñar lealtad a niños y adolescentes LGS

Loyalty is a fundamental value that plays a crucial role in the personal and social development of children and adolescents. Teaching them this value not only strengthens their interpersonal relationships, but also fosters a sense of integrity and responsibility.

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Debunking homeschooling myths

Homeschooling has gained popularity in recent years as a viable educational alternative. However, there are still many myths and misconceptions about this form of education.

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Teaching children to be tolerant is essential to help them become respectful, empathetic and open-minded adults. respectful, empathetic and open to diversity.

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The success of homeschooling depends largely on how the learning environment, motivation and balance between academics and other activities are managed.

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The role of parents in online education goes beyond simply provide material resources. It involves being an emotional support, a guide
educational and a partner in your children’s learning process.

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Respect is a fundamental value that we should all learn from an early age.

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In today’s digital age, virtual education has become an increasingly popular option for students of all ages. However, some myths persist about studying at a virtual school that are important to address.

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Helping your child overcome anxiety requires patience, understanding and constant support. With a combination of open communication, relaxation techniques, structured routines and soothing activities, you can help your child cope with and manage his or her worries.
relaxing activities, you can help your child cope and manage their worries effectively.

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